Rosewood Real Estate
  1. DnB Lobby
    DnB Lobby
    Two-story atrium style lobby of the Dun & Bradstreet Operations Center in Center Valley, PA
  2. LourdesCare
    Main access areas into the LourdesCare Medical Office Building providing direct and convenient access to each specialty including cardiology, emergency care and rehabiliation areas.
  3. Cardiology
    Waiting and check in area for patients and visitors
  4. Imaging Specialists
    Imaging Specialists
    LourdesCare included a 7,000 SF imaging space which contained more equipment than the main hospital in Camden, NJ
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Dun & Bradstreet's construction schedule consisted of 8 short months to delivery

Celebrating the ground breaking of D & B with then
Governor Ed Rendell


JULY, 2018

joseph D. Gonnelli is recognized real  estate professional since 1980. He has extensive experienced in all  facets of real estate development and finance. As the President of  Rosewood Real Estate Enterprises, his developmental expertise won design  awards in New Jersey for a world-class medical office project for  Lourdes Health System a leading provider of medical services in New  Jersey.  This project developed on the site of a former supermarket that  was abandoned by its owners.  This property is now highest grossing  income generator for the Health  System.

 Mr. Gonnelli as the Managing  Partner of several real estate development partnerships successfully  completed the following: designed, developed, financed, operated the  largest privately held public assembly facility in the Philadelphia  area, the South Jersey Expo Center;  acquired multiple office and  industrial parks during the FDIC auctions in the 1990s, including  several vacant office buildings and by executing an aggressive leasing  strategy resulting in full occupancy sold the portfolio to Brandywine  Realty Trust, resulting in a multi-million dollar profit for the  partners.
His additional accomplishments are developing and  building a suburban office project for Dun and Bradstreet Corporation, completing it in less than eight months and obtaining preliminary and  obtaining final site plan approvals in one township meeting. Mr.  Gonnelli also assembled four different properties on two sides of a  divided highway from separate owners in which he successfully negotiated  appropriate easements and site control to establish a full traffic  light intersection for the assembled properties thereby enhancing the  value of all the acquired land.  He accomplished this in 18 months  without the use of straw parties and maintained the highest  confidentiality.

Mr. Gonnelli is noted for solving challenging  environmental issues. He successfully remediated a contaminated site  adjacent to sensitive residential sites, in less than 14 months, obtaining unrestricted use permits from New Jersey Department of  Environmental Protection.

He earned a BS in Chemistry at St.  Joseph’s University and a MS in Pharmacology from the University of  Pennsylvania and simultaneously completed the executive real estate  program at the Wharton School. Mr. Gonnelli is licensed as a real estate  professional in Florida and holds two insurance licenses